It's been a long time

I haven't blogged in forever. Well I guess not technically forever, but over 2 weeks. Which coincides exactly with how long it has been since I had a truely "on plan" day. I had to work a stretch of evening shifts and let me tell you, they were not good to me. Besides the fact that they were bad work wise it totally threw me off eating wise. I was up late and therefore slept in late, I didn't ever feel like cooking anything healthy, was stopping at fast food for lunch, stopping at fast food for a release after work. It is not what I wanted to be doing, but it happened. And I am paying for it. The scale does not say what it just said a few short weeks ago. But that is all about to change...

See I signed up for the Warrior Dash. A 5k obstacle course. With hills, and mud, and barbed wire, and fire. And what I hear is an awesome after party. And while a 5k is a lesser distance than any of the other races I have done, I have never done an obstacle course race. So Couch to 5k training is started again. I went "ran" on the linfield wellness trail, it was way more enjoyable than on a treadmill. Now I just need to figure out exactly what kinda cross training I need to do to be able to get through the obstacle parts.


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