So, things are only so so. I had a butt load of activity in the beginning of the week, weights at the gym, tennis, swing dancing. Yet aunt flo decided she had to come Wednesday night, right after weigh in. So yep you guessed it, weigh in was a gain. Even with 24 activity points in the week leading up to it a gain. And then the day after weigh in was a migraine day. Full probably the worst one I have had. Thank goodness Ted had given me some imitrex, it took 2 doses of Excedrin migraine at work and then the imitrex at home before it went away, and of course I forgot the aleve with it so I had a little bit of rebound this morning.

And I have been working so many hours lately. 6 straight weeks of overtime, I only need to get through 6 more days of work and I will be free for 16 days. 16 beautiful days where I don't have to go to work. 16 days where I am free during the cool sounding gym classes. 16 days where I plan on doing a little hiking (I'm thinking silver falls, multnomah falls any other easy ideas), 16 days of freedom, of sleep, of time to prepare my meals instead of feeling too tired to make anything. In case you can't tell, I can't wait.


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