Boot Camp

Well after thinking about it an talking about it and not being able to talk myself out of it...I not only signed up for a boot camp class, but I have now also paid for it. 3 days a week for 6 weeks, of being at the gym at 5 freakin am in the morning. Which means I need to be up no later than 430. The last time I woke up that early on purpose was... I think over a year ago when I did the half marathon. I think. I might have actually been able to sleep later for that. I have never done anything like a boot camp class before. I have never purposely worked out that early in the morning. But who knows. Maybe that is my magic time. They say everyone has their own time of day that just works better for them. And maybe mornings are it for me. Workout from 5-6, go home, shower, eat a nice leisurely breakfast, do some bible study and then when all that is done go to work. yeah I would still have 2 hours after class to get a lot done before work. And then I would have all evening at home, not a shortened condensed one. And I am so excited, i just got back 2 of my favorite workout dvd's that I loaned out to a friend. Crunch Gyms pick your spot pilates and The Biggest Loser Weight Loss yoga. I am gonna try to get up early and do one of them tomorrow. Trying to work myself into getting up early. Wish me Luck.


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