Motrin, Epsom Salt and IcyHot.

Jumping jacks, and squat jumps, and burpees, and pushups, and up-downs, and crunches, and burpees, and bicep curl/shoulder presses, and swings, and bycicles, and stair running, and alphabet planks, and wobbly planks, and push-ups, and push-ups,and push-ups,and push-ups,and push-ups,and push-ups,and push-ups,and push-ups,and push-ups,and push-ups, oh my.

 Well it has come. The day I actually had to sweat in class. I came in water bottle full, shoes tied tight. And half the class forgot to bring in their written down goals so Olivia promised us a punishment. Nice little warm up full of marching and running in place, and jumping jacks, and butt kicks, and high knees.

Then we got to our punishment. 5 jump squats + 5 burpees x 5 sets. For those who don't know:
Jump Squats:

 And then we moved on to the Fit Test. 4 moves, each done for a minute to see how many we can do. Push-ups, Crunches, Up-downs and you guessed it MORE burpees. My numbers were actually better than I thought they would be. Thankfully we were allowed to do the push-ups on our knees, and I got 19 done in 60 seconds (oh and yeah we had to touch to yoga block with our chest in order for it to count).

 Once we all had our numbers it was time to break up into groups to do some circuits. 1 person ran the stairs (up and down 5 times) while one person did bicycle twists, one did bicep curls into shoulder presses , and one did kettlebell swings using a heavy hand weight instead of an actual kettle bell. Somehow I got stuck running the stairs-LAST. Needless to say the last runners were definitely the slower intervals. And then it was time to break up into partners. Alphabet planks, get in plank position facing your partner, "simply" reach across and touch your partners hand (while they are doing the same thing) go from a-z. Then do "wobbly planks", start in plank lower to your right forearm, then left, back up on the left followed by the right, then repeat starting on left for 10 reps. Then we did push-ups as a group. 103 of them. 10 sets of 10. Plus the 3 we started with but because we "sounded tired" while counting and we had to start over. Then a nice cool down and stretch to end the day.

 The rest of the day was a mix of various body parts not wanting to work right. The bright side is that it was slightly easier getting up at 420am this morning and I managed to stay awake longer today than Monday.  And now I think I am heading off to enjoy a glass of wine while soaking in a nice warm Epsom salt bath followed by a good slathering of Icyhot. Oh and including some Motrin in with my evening meds. Hopefully I will be able to move tomorrow. If not my hair will be completely down and this little secretary will be moving slow.


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