Still alive

I would love to tell you what Friday was like in boot-camp. But I can't remember what all we did. So here are the highlights that I do remember.

  • We did 160 push-ups this time. First 50 were 5 sets of 10 reps alternating with some other move. Same with the second 50 (except it was a different extra move). Last 60 were 3 sets of 20, normal push-ups, wide arm push-ups and then tricep push-ups. Now saying we did 160 doesn't mean I actually did 160, there might have been a few sets that I had to stop early and go into child's pose (one of my favorites in yoga, I mean how can one not like child's pose). But I still probably got 130-140 in.
  • I suck at jump rope. Like big time. And that was the first thing we did when my legs were fresh even. We were supposed to do 100, i kept tripping after 10, sometimes I'd only get one done. I don't really recall jumping rope much as a kid, maybe that is my problem. I think I need to practice. To that end I have bought my own jump rope for at home, and maybe i will even use it. 
  • She lets us do the push-ups on our knees! Which is great, cause otherwise those 16 would have looked more like 6 for me. The problem with on our knees is that since the floor is bumpy we use the mats, and well you get so sweaty that I have actually slid several inches trying to get into push-up position. And because of 2 days of 100+ said push-ups on knees, I have bruises on each knee. 
  • I am still sore. Though slightly different muscles today because we did different exercises yesterday. But the soreness is tolerable today. I don't feel like if I step wrong something will cramp up and to the floor I will go. 
  • When your abs hurt from doing all those said push-ups, don't ask Dr Bhatia if he will do for a walk for a couple miles and if you and his wife can just count his miles as our own. Somehow it will morph into talking about push-ups and then he will "demonstrate" his push-ups, while holding a cup of coffee. And you will proceed to start laughing, which of course HURTS. Dr Bhatia you are supposed to make people feel better, not hurt more. And don't give that "Laughter is the best medicine" bull. 
  • I forgot about the 50-100 walk-it challenge. Which I will most likely make into another post. But needless to say my workout journal is a little lacking this week. I am still trying to figure out how she expects us to me able to move enough to walk for exercise too.
  • Motivational thought for the class that might end up on a shirt courtesy of LL CoolJ: You can succeed. You can reach your goals. Believe. Stay focused. Keep going. Do it. 
Well I think that is all I got for now. Time to try to get ready for the day, I move a little slower these days, so I need a head start.


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