Boot Camp - Revisited

Remember back when I talked about taking that boot camp class? It certainly had it's pros and cons. One of the pros was it felt really good to get my workout over and done with before my day even started and to not have to worry about it later. However one of the cons was that with it so early in the morning I found that I felt I "needed" to "reward" my hard work all day later. Therefore I didn't really make any progress weight wise in boot camp. But I did like the instructor.

Which leads me to now...Cycling and Having a Ball with Olivia. Well that's it's official name, but we haven't used the ball yet in the 3 weeks I have been going. But it is about half an hour of spinning and half an hour of sculpting work with weights, and some stair running, and some push ups. Geez that woman loves her some push-ups.

I do need to start running soon, but I am so happy to actually have a cross-training plan in place that I like.


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