
I have always had grand illusions of running. It looks awesome. It looks freeing. Everyone I know who does it seriously enjoys it. But every time I try it, it never pans out. I buy running magazines an other fitness magazines frequently in the hopes that they will have the "magic" article that explains the secret to it. I have tried the Couch to 5k running plan (interval training) and never make it out of week one. I have tried at various weights thinking maybe it has something to do with how fat I was. But nothing seemed to work.

Today I was working out in the hospital gym/PT room with my friend Kelly and she was "enjoying" getting back into it, had one of those preset programs going on the treadmill and was running along. I blindly set the treadmill to "cardio" for 20 minutes. After about 3 minutes it kicked it up to a speed that was just past where it was comfortable to walk, so I decided to try it at a "run" and lo and behold a minute came and went and i still was running. And then the treadmill kicked the speed up, and I stayed on. And then it increased the incline and lowered the speed, and I still stayed on.

For 9 whole minutes...I ran! I am so stoked. I am hopeful I can do it again. Then I will work on increasing that number. Watch out Kelly, you may be stuck working out with me forever.


  1. Congrats Sandy!!

    I have always hated running. I watch those runners and they look like graceful gazelles, and me, well I feel like a lumbering cow. Even when I was at goal weight way back in college, I still felt less than graceful.

    9 minutes on a treadmill! Awesome job!! Keep it up and you will get there!

    See you tomorrow night at WW.


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