Looking Forward

Yes, it's tax day, and a Sunday, the week after Easter. But more importantly,April 15th is the day for the next race I am signed up for! I am now registered for the 10 Bridge to Brews race in Portland. Yes you read that right, 10k, and you have seen that race name before.

You all may remember my post last April titled "Ode to my Legs" where I thanked my legs for supporting me while I walked 10 kilometers over 2 bridges and many city streets without real "training".  Well dear legs, I promise to not do that to you again. I will be working out like you would not believe leading up to it. Especially since this is a repeat race, I know what the course will be like. I know where the hills are, how bad they are (not that bad) and I know that mentally the first bridge will seem really really long.

And I am signed up to do with a friend. I am looking forward to doing some training with her as the weeks go looking forward to the race.

Somehow things seem to have clicked recently. I am working out (and Loving it), and tracking, and actually eating well. I would write more about it in depth for you all, but I am not really sure what "it" is. My goal for the next few days is to keep this up (would like a really nice weigh in right before my birthday) and figure out what "it" is.


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