Time to catch up on some little stuff.
*Most of you know that my car broke down the day after Christmas. And led to a very stressful week spent finding a shop, arranging a tow, arranging rides to work (thank you to the super amazing people who drove me either to work or home from work) and eating cafeteria food 2 meals a day all week. And according to my home scale I gained 5 pounds.
*Due to said car being broke I missed a week of Weight Watchers. Which considering my home scale said a 5 pound gain I am personally glad I didn't make it that week. Because needless to say it was a bad week. However New Years came and with it said motivations to change. And Change happened. I worked out. for 4 days in a row before I took a day off.
* Which means by the time weigh-in day came around this week I had managed to actually LOSE 0.8 pounds since the previous weigh in 2 weeks (and 2 holidays) before.
Your car broke down the day BEFORE Christmas. I know because I had to come get you on Christmas Eve so we could be together on Christmas Day.