
Before I get the to the important part I just need to get the following statement out: Popeyes Fried Biscuits are AMAZING. Always have been, always will be. They are the whole reason why 1999 when we had a layover in the Atlanta airport mom sought out the Popeyes in the concourse to get us food from there.

Motivation Techniques:
The other day while watching Biggest Loser (I got a lot of epiphanies from this last episode) we got to see the final 4 contestants (2 guaranteed in the semi-finals and America gets to vote out of the other 2) go home. As the embarked on the at home portion of the contest they were given a DVD that had a recorded message on it. It wasn't just the host wishing them good luck but it was someone to remind them how far they had come. See the first week they got to the ranch they recorded messages to their future selves. And they get them 6 months later. I really liked that idea. I decided that even though I can't record videos to myself I can write letters. So I have started writing letters to my future self. 200 lb me, -50 pounds me, 180 lb me, -75 pound me, 150 pound me, -100 pound me, and goal me. This is gonna be fun. I am gonna print of some pictures of the 243 pound me (my highest hopefully ever) and put them in there. I think I might also put some money in those letters too so that I have a little reward to splurge myself with when I get there.

So I was thinking about my "Put the weight Back on" walk. I had originally thought I would do it on June 19th, which would be my one year on Weight Watchers anniversary, but my wonderful friend who said she would do it with me reminded me that it would fall on Fathers Day. So my plans for that are kinda up in the air right now.


  1. I think that is such an awesome idea! I think the money to your future self would be awesome, so long as you spent it on something for the new you!


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