
the deliberate obstruction of or damage to any cause, movement, activity, effort, etc.

Why do I do it? We all do it. We all workout really hard, only to "refuel" with donuts or the entire container of potato salad. We all do a long race, and then take 4 weeks off of working out. I have spent the last 5.5 months losing 3 pounds. No really 3 pounds. Mostly cause I am really good at losing 0.5 pounds then gaining 1, then losing 0.5 then gaining 1.5, then losing 0.5.

I don't think deep down inside that I want to so this. But I keep doing it. Is it my will power, is it something deeper emotionally. And if so what can I do to "fix" the problem.


  1. I'm reading Made to Crave by Lisa Terkeurst and it really addresses this issue. Check it out!

    Kim Cathcart

  2. I think it is life getting in the way. I am struggling the same as you are. That "break" I took did me good. I feel better that I took the break. Maybe, take a week off, eat what you want, get sick off all that bad food and realize that you did feel better eating better and maybe that will help.

    I am there for you if you need to talk.

  3. I would imagine that cooking for 1 has its pros and cons. And, that hospital cafeteria can't help. Stock up on snacks that are ok and bring them to work and leave some there so that you always have something. I have almonds in a drawer at work and always have yogurt. Then, i always have coffee with yummy flavored creamer so that I don't feel deprived. Also, a spoonful of peanut butter dipped into chocolate chips is 5 points and totally worth it. You look beautiful, despite what the scale (or your mental scale) tells you. :)


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