The Ehh, The Funny, and the Amazing

A little play on the good the bad and the ugly.

The Ehh: Today I ran a ton of errands. They took me into Salem, I had a good breakfast a little light on the protein but it was good, grabbed a latte and was on my way. Forgot to grab my water bottle. And I went the whole day without water, but idea, I could tell by the end of the day. Did a ton of running around, scrapbook supply buying ans dress trying on, and banking. However I forgot to plan for being out at lunch time and in addition to having not grabbed my water also didn't grab any healthy snacks what so ever. Was really tempted in West Salem to just hit one of the drive-thrus and grab like fries, or maybe a bean burrito at taco bell, but I resisted the lure of fast food and drove home and made a PB&J sandwich. And then went out for more errands. And by the time I was done with those the sandwich had worn off. And while doing my grocery shopping I caved and bought some of those dang hostess mini donuts I have talked about. But i tracked them. I have tracked all my SSEB this week and I must say there have been less of them this week then normal.

The Funny: One of those errands was going to Maurice's in Salem to look for an Easter dress. There was one on the website I loved and I went to the one in Salem cause they carry a lot more dresses then the mcminnville one does. They didn't have a single dress in my size. So I tried on several in a couple sizes too small to see what size I needed to order. One of the ones I tried on and liked a lot so I had them look to see if it could be ordered or if it was close by. And guess what...It was at the mcminnville store in my size the whole time.

The Amazing: So in this trying on of dresses to small, I did something that I thought was still a ways a way and something i haven't done in years. I put on and completely zipped a size 14 dress!!! And none of the seems split when I moved. True I had to have the saleslady do the hook in the back and most of the zipper but it got fully zipped! Since I don't have anyone at home to zip me in and don't really think I can go to church with it mostly unzipped until a friend can zip it for me. So back to Salem i drove for the size 16. Oh but I feel so pretty in. Honestly I haven't been this excited about a new Easter dress in years and it looks so amazing. can't wait to show you all at Easter. Now to find the perfect accessories for it.


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