
We all do it. Super Secret Eating Behavior. We all have something that we buy at the grocery store, or Target or walmart or the drive through that is usually located at the registers that we we wouldn't buy if friends were with us, or our kids were in the cart, or we saw our Weight Watchers Leader 2 people behind us in line. You know what it is, the pay day, the snickers, the reeses, the mini powdered donuts, the Dutch Freeze. And the whole reason why we buy them is that we know they won't make them home, they will be completely consummed in the car before we get to our next destination. Even the wrappers won't make it inside. They get shoved under the seat until clean the car daym, and then you take the car to a car wash so you can put it in a totally differant trash than your own. And somehow this super secret eating doesn't count for points. I am sure of it. It was never on the shopping, not in the bags when you got home so therefor it doesn't exist....right?

Unfortunately they do count. And I am pretty sure that none of us use sugar free jello as our SSEB object. they are usually high carb, high fat, low protien low fiber. In a nutshell high pointsplus. And it sucks. Cause I like them. They are geat for snacks (hence why there are called snack foods). I don't mind eating veggies with my actual meals, but for some reason they don't call my name when it comes to snacks.

So I guess I know what I need to work on that this week. Less SSEB.

P.S. if weight watchers ever decided to make donuts I would be one very happy girl.


  1. Did I inspire this? I promise I don't usually eat Reese's! I paid for it with a tummy ache later that night, too. Thanks again for shopping with me. Fun, Fun!

  2. Ahh but see I knew about your reese's thus it wasn't super secret eating behavior. The reason why I only had your water in my hand was that my dutch freeze was hiding seeing as how it was like 14 points.

  3. Alas, yes, veggies don't give that satisfied feeling of a SSEB. I think those snack foods also give us a tiny little feeling of being naughty. We think we are getting away with something, being sneaky like that. But, the only one we are cheating is ourselves. My personal SSEB is a tub of frosting. I can eat one of those and keep it a secret from just about anybody.

    How do I get through the check-out line? I allow myself to get something, but I choose gum, or a water, or a diet soda. That way, I am having an "impulse" buy, but I am killing my points off in a day.

    That also might be the reason I have 20 packs of gum stashed around the house and in my truck.


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