"hostage" dress

Dear Polka-dot dress,

How are you enjoying Jenn's house? I am sure she is taking goo care of you. Has you hanging up somewhere so you don't get wrinkled.

I am sorry you aren't here with me right now. I'm sorry I slacked off this week and didn't stay on plan. I know there is a ransom over your head. I am really planning on paying it. You just gotta hold on a little longer while I earn that ransom "money". Keep up hope, we will get there, you will get to come home soon. I can't wait to see you again. And when we do I promise to take you out for a hot ladies night out with your good friend Jenn.

In the mean time I need you to help Jenn. She needs to see you constantly and remember that there is a hot little number hanging out over here waiting for her to pay the ransom too.


  1. Awesome post!!!!!!! I chose to work out tonight and I am so glad I did. I feel so much better, better about myself that I worked really hard. I like this feeling, I think I will do it again.


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