
I am nervous for this weeks weigh in. And I shouldn't be, at leasts that what I keep trying to tell myself.

For starters I get to go to go to the thursday meeting with my friend Jenn. Every time I have gotten to be there with Jenn I have ended up having a good weigh in. Plus since it is a thursday instead of a wednesday I have an extra day. And I have been working out like crazy. I mean hello, sunday afte church, and shoppign with tara, and 2 small group bible studies I still managed to throw my workout clothes on a do a dvd in the living room. One of my older ones, that I kinda sometimes forget is there. I loved it.

So on paper it should be a good weigh in. But I am nervous, cause it seems that after every good weigh-in (last weeks 3.2 for example) I have a bad one. But I want to break that cycle. I have this smoking hot dress waiting for me at my friends house. And I really wanna wear it out. There are a couple people who have seen it, but I can't wait to share it with the rest of you. And I of course can't do that until I can fit nicely in it.

Here is to getting one step closer to paying the ransom on my dress.


  1. I feel the same way. It has been a decent week on paper. I am still below points, used more weekly points than I wanted to, but still trying hard.

    I just wonder if last week was a fluke and I, too, am going to gain.

    Let's hope that it is another good week!


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